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1) Who do you act for? Please identify them by name, address and where appropriate corporate registration number or business name registration number. Are your clients the promoter(s).


2) What exactly is your brief from your client(s)?


3) Has a Stage 1 screening under the Habitats Directive been completed for the intended project?

- If so, by whom and please furnish a copy.


4) What material has been compiled for the purposes of assessing environmental impact of the proposed project? - Please furnish copies and please confirm that all drafts will be preserved.


5) Has your client(s) planning consultant prepared a draft Planner’s Report or draft Planning Application?

- If so, please furnish a copy.


6) If your function is to act as some form of Community Liaison Person on behalf of your client(s) then we understand that pursuant to the Irish Wind Energy Association protocol in that regard that your client(s) will by now have all legal contracts in place needed for carrying the proposal. Accordingly, please furnish copies of same. (There is no difficulty with redacting price information which would be a reasonable measure

under commercial sensitivity).


7) Proposed make, number and type of turbines including their power capacity (MW), hub height and blade dimensions including wind capture area of the rotating blades.


8) Initial plan for turbine positions on the site.


9) Noise contour maps/ Noise envelope including decibel forecasts (dB) within 1km, 2 km and 5 km distances down - wind during light, medium and heavy winds. Ideally, we want to be able to see a noise duration curve which shows the number of hours when turbine noise will be above different, specified levels at different distances.


10) Outline plans for new roads both temporary and permanent.


11) Planned duration of the site construction phase and of the operation

of the wind farm.


12) Traffic impact during site construction including type and amount of additional traffic.


13) Sites and sizes of any new substations.


14) Routes of any new power lines and whether they will be overhead lines or buried.


15) Impact of additional intermittent asynchronous generating capacity on the local EirGrid system.


16) Number and nature of new permanent jobs created in the vicinity.


17) Broad plans for evaluating the likely environmental impact in addition to noise and construction (see above) (EU driven Environmental Impact

Assessment including ecological, shadow flicker, cultural heritage and visual impact for example) with associated mitigation measures and residual environmental impact assessment.


18) Please provide full details of the footprint of the development site and of the intended grid connection route as well as the technical specifications of the siting.


19) Please provide dimensions, details of siting and capacity of any associated substations

or ancillary buildings.


20) Please provide shadow flicker calculation tables.


21) Please provide ZTV mapping to give the community an understanding of how visible the turbines will be - and who will see them.


22) Please provide visualisations from all the nearest settlements of Knockanore, Mount Uniacke, Inch, Tallow, Villierstown, and Aglish.

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