Lyrenacarriga Wind Farm Update: Jan 8, 2021
RWE (formerly Innogy) - under the name Curns Energy Ltd - has now lodged their planning application for the construction of 17 x 150 metre high industrial wind turbines across West Waterford and East Cork. Included in the application is a large substation and battery storage facility, both of which would be located on the water supply for Youghal. Over the coming weeks, Blackwater Wind Aware community group - comprised of local residents, landowners and business owners - will be online to advise and help with your planning objection. The closing date for objections to An Bord Pleanala is March 5, 2021. We would encourage you all to scrutinise the planning application and associated documents at www.lyrenacarrigawindfarm.com as it now highlights the many homes and families who will have their lives adversely affected and some would say ruined, if this giant wind farm is built.
Once there is a planning application number available from ABP this month, then our local community will be able to make submissions. Please email blackwaterwindaware@gmail.com with any questions or concerns. Thank you.
The INNOGY windfarm proposal was deemed a 'S.I.D.' by An Bord Pleanala (Strategic Infrastructure Development) in 2020. Send us your email address to receive the latest news to your inbox -
please include your name & address + mobile telephone number to: blackwaterwindaware@gmail.com
Windfarm Public Information Evening Weds 24th April 2019
BLACKWATER WIND AWARE Local Community Group invite all to a Public Information Evng at Knockanore Community Hall Co. Waterford.
Community Meeting: Thursday 3rd May 2018 at 8pm Knockanore Community hall. All welcome.
Community Meeting discussed and raised awareness of the proposed development of a wind farm of up to 60Mega Watts along the ridge of hills either side of the Tallow-Youghal/ Pike Road.
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